Novemberis the month ofchampionshipmarching bandinIndonesia. One is thePercussionEnsembleContest&GuardinwaterkingdomMekarsariContestwhich will beheldon November 21,2015whichof courseis housed inwaterkingdomMekarsari.
Music is onebranch of art. Many people believecan be done whilelearningmusicfun -happybecause they feelartisfreedom. Itis abigZERO. Because learningmusic, learningself-discipline. Wheredisciplineis the key factorin it or not, like it or not, the musiclearningrequires discipline.
Howto applydiscipline tolearnmusic? hopefullythe following tipscanhelp.
Provideandobeyspecial time
Everyonehasthe sameamount of time ineach day forlife, ie 24hours. Everyonehasthe sametimeiftheycanarrange it.But most peopleuseonlyspare timefor theactivity to whicheach individualis moreimportant. Including learningmusic, it is necessaryalso provideda special timeandobeyed.Focus onthe timethat has beenset up tostudy musicwhenout of timeto learnthe music, pleasefocusonother thingsat the time andinsteadfocuson thestudyof music. This is where thedisciplinebegan to be implemented.
Masteredone thing beforemasteringanything else
Somepeopleeven most, wantedproficientinall respects. In learningmusic, want toadeptto mastera wide range oftheories, rangingfromthe mostsimpletheorytothe theory ofa higherapplication.It ishumane, but it certainly willhinder the processof learningthe music itself. Therefore, instudyingmusic, theorymaterialbasemust be masteredbeforeheadingother material. Therefore, learn to focusonone thing beforelearninganything else.
BruceLeeonce said, "I am notafraid ofamasterin 1000butonlyonceberlatihnyamoment, butI am moreafraid ofacontrollingonemomentbutpractice it1000 times".
MarchingBandis synonymouswithDrumBandinIndonesiaat first,not anymore.MusicEnsemblemarching bandhas begun to develop,this isevidenced by the manychampionshipsMarchingBandinIndonesia, whichhas ledtoan element ofmusicality,not justplayhard.
Performancesshownquite farfromthe concept ofplayingMarchingBand,because theconcept ofperformanceshownisBrassBandorchestraformat.Wherepercussion(keyboardpercussion)are not placedin front oflikeshowMarchingShow,butbehind.
This questionoftenariseswhena person facesthe artssubjects. Shouldlearnmusical notesornotenumbers (?) The questionthatoftencomes to mindsomeonebecause it seems tohave beeninstilledsince childhoodthatnotfigureeasier thanmusical notes. Notthe beammore difficult thannotnumbers.So, shouldlearnmusical notesornotenumbers (?)
According to theauthor's personal experience, whether ornot thenumberof musical notesequally easy. Eithernotnumbersormusical notesare equallydifficult. Well,how come?
Yes!!!Easy ifwe want to learnand study. Difficultif we are lazy, reluctant, are unwilling tolearnand study. Ifyou includeactorsinthe art ofsound, like achoir member, soloist, vocalist, and othersas long as theassociatedcircuitrysound art, it isnotthe numberswillbegood friendsin the everydaybothjoy and sorrow, he he.. Why?Becauseif thefundamental tonehas beendetermined, itcan be sungSolmization, Solmizationnotwrittenin the formof numbers.
However,unlike the case withmusicplayers, then itwillbe adailymusical noteswhichalways accompanythe exerciseandthe currentshow.This is because, by reading themusical noteswhichforman image similar tosproutstickon the fence, its position can be directlyknownto theinstrumentbeing played.
Train the brain to pit instrument is to optimize the function of both hands. If
further observed, the most common percussion players who are just
learning, they only optimize the punch with the right hand and rarely
train blows with left hand. When in fact the left hand that need extra training. Perhaps more to the habit from childhood we are taught to always active with the right hand. Our current activities are rarely small geared to balance the functions of both hands. As
a result, at the present time, when the game percussive required to be
active in both hands, feel distress as seen from the quality of
different strokes. Sound production of the right hand is better than the sound production left hand. How to train the brain to pit the instrument can be done by heating the following uploaded to Youtube. Warming to pit this instrument uses 2 mallets, play a different pattern between right and left hand. In the first part of the left hand plays a 4 strokes, the right hand plays six strokes. In the second part of the left hand plays 6 strokes, the right hand plays a 4 stroke. Therefore, the heating is called "FourSix". Enjoy.
Percussionis thebasicinstrumentused byethnic musicinIndonesia,so this timeI tookthe title ofthe traditionalmusicpercussionIndonesianarchipelago.Starting fromthe west end tothe east end ofIndonesia,eachethnic musicthere must bean element ofpercussion instruments. Percussioninstrumentisan instrumentplayedby striking,understandingsimple asthat,if your friendsmaynot know.Percussionusedvary,rangingfroma pitchedupwhichwaspitched.Starting fromfunctioningasrhythmic,untilthat serves asmelodic.
I take the exampleGamelan.The instrumentis ownedby severalof themethnicJavanese,Sundanese,Balinese.Although it has adifferent charactereachethnic,but in general thepercussionused aredrumsof various sizestoproducea wide variety oftones(including if adifferent way tohit it),thenthere is also theinstrument ofmelodicmetaland thendothe tuning process(settingthe tone).Onethat distinguishesbetweentheethnictone usedis the distance(scale)
SundadifferentJavabali,differentin Sumatra.Talempongexample.Then,inthe eastern part ofIndonesia,instrumentnamedTifa&Fu.Andmany others.
Indonesiaso much culture, oneculturepercussionas wellasmany kinds.Even atthe annualeventWGI2015 inthe USA,one of the bandbrought theshowand brought theKecakdanceelementsofBali.Kecakis uniquebecauserhythmicsingwith the mouth,with a variety ofpatterns.
The above titlemay be asummaryof my discussionwithfriendsMarchingBandtrainerwhohappened to meet.Learningpercussion is learning power,is a sentence thatfitsin my opinion.
Oftenas a coachpercussion(especiallypitinstrument),wetroublebuilding agamewith the dynamicsas you wish.One reason isprobablydue tothemember,orthestudentshave notwetaughttodarehittool.When itdiahadapkanwith the dynamicgamethat requiresplayingwitha largevolume,the playersseem lesscapable.
A possible solutioncouldbe appliedis to teachplayers todare tohitwhen itwas stillinthe early daysof learningpitinstrument.
Based onthe author's experiencein teaching,themore effectivewayto shapethe character of theplayersandforissuingcharacterswhile playing theinstrument.The secondadvantageis thatplayersno longer needhardtoplaywitha smallvolume,because it was usedbya punchwithhighpower.Mostassume that ifhit with amajorpowerwilldamage theinstrument.Dear readers,ifthinkinglike that,mendinginstrumentwrappedaja,letdurable,he..he..he..
Melodic percussion instruments like the Marimba and vibraphone is one of the many musical instruments that require extra care. The lack of proper treatment might make the age of the melodic percussion instruments become less durable.Appropriate treatment certainly make more awake tuning instrument
(usually instrument that has been aged long barrel decreased tone or
tuning down).Changing tuning instrument will certainly make the percussion player
in question will be less comfortable in presenting the game.Melodic
percussion instruments are often also called keyboard percussion,
because the shape is the same as the arrangement of the keys of the
keyboard. Keyboard percussion has the constituent materials of wood and metal.Marimba and Xylophone is a melodic percussion instrument with a constituent material of the timber. Meanwhile, vibraphone and glockenspiel are melodic percussion instrument with a constituent material of the metal.
Marching Band in the world, care for melodic percussion instrument was tricky. Given the condition of marching band practice not always be in the room, but more often in open areas, such as in the field. Automatic with these conditions, minimal melodic percussion instrument certainly faster exposed to dust. The condition that makes the instrument becomes vulnerable to damage.In this article will discuss how to care for melodic percussion instruments in order to extend the life of the instrument. Melodic
instrument care here will be divided into two (2) types, namely melodic
instrument care and maintenance for wood materials melodic instrument
for metal material.
Friends, followingmy articleonhowto playtimpani drums instrument easily. That iswhat this is?Wellrememberwithmy previousarticlesthat discussplayingtimpani? Thisarticlesequel.If inmy previous articlewrittenabout thetworequirements that must bemastered tobe able to playtimpani, the masterinstrumentrhythmicandmelodicinstrumentto master, theninthis articleis thethirdrequirement. What is that?Isto havea good hearing
Have agood hearingabilityisarguablyhaveears? It is clear.Butthatneeds to be emphasizedhereisthe ability ofthe earina tonetuningaccuracy. Tympanicmembraneis an instrumentwithwhichtosetthe tone. Thetimpanitoneislowertones(bass), so we needa goodtuningcapabilities(read: hear) tobe able to playthe right note.
Especially forextendedtimpani, thenhigh-low toneis setwith thepedal. Setfootpedal, thenthe earfunctionhereistoensurethe right toneto be played(read: hit).
How to trainthe ability to hear? That's EASY.
Listen tothe soundsaround you(if trouble concentrating, can be done with your eyes closed. So justfocusonear/hearing).
Focus on onetype of sound. For the beginning, pleasefocus onthe tone ofvoicethathas a variationof more thantwo.For examplethe soundof birds chirping, catsmeowing, peopleyelling,etc.
Repeat by your mouth the soundyou hear, right along withthe frequency ofthe toneyou hearandincluding theshort length ofthe soundyou heareach note.
If you alreadystartedproficient, Imitatethe sound ofrhythmicas well, such asmotor vehiclehorns(ranging from motorcycles, cars, andlarge vehicles), voicedial tonebowlplayed byartisanmeatballs, and more.
The above exerciseis usefulto trainsolfagewhichmust be related tothe accuracy oftoneis heard, as well as thepattern /patternsthat are played(length of the short tone).
Still review of how to play timpani drums instrument in this article. Was also the connection of 2 previous article How to play the timpani and how to play a musical instrument timpani. If in the previous article explained why must master the rhythmic
instrument, then here will explain why to be a timpani player must
master the melodic instrument. Friends, Instrument timpani is a unique instrument. Why, indeed resemble instrument Instrument Timpani drums in general because it has a membrane. But
the difference with the other instruments, timpani has a tone that
should be tailored to the needs of bass in a music performance. If the bass drum serves as a confirmation, then the timpani more serves as a confirmation to produce a magnificent atmosphere. Well ... that's the tone that contribute to build the splendor of a show. How come master melodic instrument? The point is to learn the tone of the piano or keyboard. Or
if Friends are lovers marching band, it is highly advisable to learn to
play the keyboard percussion instrument or commonly called a pit.
There are manyways tolearnpitorpitpercussioninstrument, hopefullythe following videocanhelp
Stillfurtherpostyesterday,this article willdiscuss how toplay a musical instrumenttimpani.Tympanicoroften referred to asa kettledrum,because of its shapelike a kettleandthere areso-calledmembranedrums. Mastering therhythmicinstrumentisoneof thethree (3)things thatmust be masteredbythe author.Logically,how could amusicplayerdoes not understandthe rhythmicpattern.If youdo not understand therhythmic pattern,then he will notunderstandtempo,constantlyhow theplayerscan understandthe shortlength ofthe toneto be played? Prettysimpleis not it?
Whatdo Ilike?It's easy... listenpatternplayed bydrumsetwhile listening tothe song.Any song(of coursetheredrumset sound...).Canalso listen tothe sound ofdrumpattern(in the Java language:Kendang)if you arelistening togamelan.Oranyrhythmictool, whichbecomesthe main criterionina performance.
Then,Imitaterhythmic patternthat has beenheardbeforeby playinghands.Allowedinthe thigh,may beon the table,mayusebare hands(likemartialwrote ...)shouldusethe stick,mayusepencils,pens, etc.that can be playedritmisnya.
Way overtothereallybeginner.
If alreadycan playpercussion,yes itis mucheasiershould...increasethe capability tobe able to playshare a kind ofrhythmicinstrument.For example,conga,djembe, drums,bongo,etc.
Many people thinkthatplayingfourmalletshard, but if you know how, it would feeleasyway to play4 mallets.
Easy way to play 4 mallets, easilyplay4malletsisbecause morerange oftonesthat willbe played. In additionlook morecool when you play4mallets, actuallya lot ofeasiness thatis producedwhen playing4mallets.
The example in thefollowing video, with4mallets, it canexperiment withchords. With 4mallets, then we canplay4tonessimultaneously. As with thesecondplayingmallet, then only2tonescan beplayed simultaneously. Here's an example:
In the percussion world, the mainmarching band/drumcorps, a playermaytimpaniisadreambut in factonly ahandful of playerswhoknowhow to playtimpaniwell with easy timpani playing techniques.
The authordeliberatelydiscussedbrieflyinthis articleis based onpersonal experience, you know, notmean to patronize. How to play thetimpaninot necessarilybe donebyeverypercussionistasthe main constraintsfaced isdefinitelyketidaktersedianyathe instrumentbecause it is expensive. 1timpanikettledrumleast expensivearound35million, tothe smallest. Nowthe greater thediameterthe moreexpensive thedonks...especiallyif using5kettledrums(preferablyjustbought a house, he..he..he..)
Leave asidejustdehaboutthe high price oftimpani... Ifthatname isbecominga professional player, coupledwithprayercorrectly, Insha Allahhasfacilitatedtimpaniplusfree too...Amen..... :)
How to play thetimpaniin my opinionthere are onlythree (3) basic thingsthat must be controlled:
PlayersPitInstrumentshallknowmallet.This timeour articlediscussesIndonesianmarimbamallet.Why?At least thiscouldbe an alternativeto havingmalletat an affordable pricebut notqualitycheap.
Sometime ago wasuploaded onYoutube,avideo showingandlet outa comparisonbetween the3typesof soundproductionmallet.Malletused isartificialmalletlocal producersofYogyakarta,MADAYO.Played byone of the coachesPitInstrumentofCentral Java,using amalletMADAYO3 types,namelysoft,mediumandhard.
Here'sthe video
In theabove videovery, veryobviousdifferences inthe characterof the threemalletusedand certainlysuitablefor the purposesMarchingBandplaying inOutdoor. thepriceof importsaffectedmalletgo up and downthe dollarwhichgafrivolous,but thepracticeshouldcontinue,localmalletbe an alternative.
How to play music percussion instruments ? Learn to play percussion instruments is easy and everyone can. Basically everyone can hit. So first and foremost capital dalah learning to play percussion instruments, was safe.
Percussion instrument is an instrument played by striking. Whether it pitched (melodic) and rhythmic. As a percussionist, is proper and ought to be able to master percussion instruments. For beginners, how to learn percussion instruments?
Provide free time or take time every day to be able to learn to play percussion instruments. Percussion instrument consists of two kinds, percussive melodic and rhythmic percussion. Determine the type of which you will learn today.
is essential in learning to play percussion instruments, although there
is a percussion instrument that is played without using a stick or
mallet. Perform engineering holds the stick / mallet correctly. Do it all the time to familiarize yourself how to hold the stick / mallet correctly.
Train your punch with a regular and constant basis. Record your workout results for the evaluation.