Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

Music Ensemble marching band has begun to develop

Marching Band is synonymous with Drum Band in Indonesia at first, not anymore. Music Ensemble marching band has begun to develop, this is evidenced by the many championships Marching Band in Indonesia, which has led to an element of musicality, not just play hard.

Arts especially music art will continue to grow rapidly. One example Marching Band team that I think is quite a success to develop his mindset is Marching Band of campus in Central Java.

Performances shown quite far from the concept of playing Marching Band, because the concept of performance shown is Brass Band orchestra format. Where percussion (keyboard percussion) are not placed in front of like show Marching Show, but behind.


Music Ensemble marching band has begun to develop

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

should learn musical notes or note numbers (?)

This question often arises when a person faces the arts subjects. Should learn musical notes or note numbers (?) The question that often comes to mind someone because it seems to have been instilled since childhood that not figure easier than musical notes. Not the beam more difficult than not numbers. So, should learn musical notes or note numbers (?)
According to the author's personal experience, whether or not the number of musical notes equally easy. Either not numbers or musical notes are equally difficult. Well, how come?

Yes !!! Easy if we want to learn and study. Difficult if we are lazy, reluctant, are unwilling to learn and study.
If you include actors in the art of sound, like a choir member, soloist, vocalist, and others as long as the associated circuitry sound art, it is not the numbers will be good friends in the everyday both joy and sorrow, he he ..
Why? Because if the fundamental tone has been determined, it can be sung Solmization, Solmization not written in the form of numbers.

However, unlike the case with music players, then it will be a daily musical notes which always accompany the exercise and the current show. This is because, by reading the musical notes which form an image similar to sprout stick on the fence, its position can be directly known to the instrument being played.

So, should learn musical notes or note numbers (?)

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

train the brain to pit instrument

Train the brain to pit instrument is to optimize the function of both hands. If further observed, the most common percussion players who are just learning, they only optimize the punch with the right hand and rarely train blows with left hand. When in fact the left hand that need extra training.
Perhaps more to the habit from childhood we are taught to always active with the right hand. Our current activities are rarely small geared to balance the functions of both hands. As a result, at the present time, when the game percussive required to be active in both hands, feel distress as seen from the quality of different strokes. Sound production of the right hand is better than the sound production left hand.
How to train the brain to pit the instrument can be done by heating the following uploaded to Youtube. Warming to pit this instrument uses 2 mallets, play a different pattern between right and left hand. In the first part of the left hand plays a 4 strokes, the right hand plays six strokes. In the second part of the left hand plays 6 strokes, the right hand plays a 4 stroke. Therefore, the heating is called "FourSix". Enjoy.

Congratulations to train the brain to pit instrument

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015

traditional music percussion Indonesian archipelago

Percussion is the basic instrument used by ethnic music in Indonesia, so this time I took the title of the traditional music percussion Indonesian archipelago. Starting from the west end to the east end of Indonesia, each ethnic music there must be an element of percussion instruments.
Percussion instrument is an instrument played by striking, understanding simple as that, if your friends may not know. Percussion used vary, ranging from a pitched up which was pitched. Starting from functioning as rhythmic, until that serves as melodic.
I take the example Gamelan. The instrument is owned by several of them ethnic Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese. Although it has a different character each ethnic, but in general the percussion used are drums of various sizes to produce a wide variety of tones (including if a different way to hit it), then there is also the instrument of melodic metal and then do the tuning process (setting the tone ). One that distinguishes between the ethnic tone used is the distance (scale)
Sunda different Java bali, different in Sumatra. Talempong example. Then, in the eastern part of Indonesia, instrument named Tifa & Fu. And many others.

Indonesia so much culture, one culture percussion as well as many kinds. Even at the annual event WGI 2015 in the USA, one of the band brought the show and brought the Kecak dance elements of Bali. Kecak is unique because rhythmic sing with the mouth, with a variety of patterns.

 Here's a video of the RCC team during the 2015 WGI please check in minute 4:09

So it is not wrong if I write traditional music percussion Indonesian archipelago

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

learn percussion is learning power

The above title may be a summary of my discussion with friends Marching Band trainer who happened to meet. Learning percussion is learning power, is a sentence that fits in my opinion.

Often as a coach percussion (especially pit instrument), we trouble building a game with the dynamics as you wish. One reason is probably due to the member, or the students have not we taught to dare hit tool. When it diahadapkan with the dynamic game that requires playing with a large volume, the players seem less capable.

A possible solution could be applied is to teach players to dare to hit when it was still in the early days of learning pit instrument.

Based on the author's experience in teaching, the more effective way to shape the character of the players and for issuing characters while playing the instrument. The second advantage is that players no longer need hard to play with a small volume, because it was used by a punch with high power. Most assume that if hit with a major power will damage the instrument. Dear readers, if thinking like that, mending instrument wrapped aja, let durable, he..he..he ..

So, for friends who may be a new beginning of the study pit instrument, make sure dared to hit. Embed learning percussion is learning power

how to maintenance your melodic instrument

Melodic percussion instruments like the Marimba and vibraphone is one of the many musical instruments that require extra care. The lack of proper treatment might make the age of the melodic percussion instruments become less durable.Appropriate treatment certainly make more awake tuning instrument (usually instrument that has been aged long barrel decreased tone or tuning down).Changing tuning instrument will certainly make the percussion player in question will be less comfortable in presenting the game.Melodic percussion instruments are often also called keyboard percussion, because the shape is the same as the arrangement of the keys of the keyboard. Keyboard percussion has the constituent materials of wood and metal.Marimba and Xylophone is a melodic percussion instrument with a constituent material of the timber. Meanwhile, vibraphone and glockenspiel are melodic percussion instrument with a constituent material of the metal.
Marching Band in the world, care for melodic percussion instrument was tricky. Given the condition of marching band practice not always be in the room, but more often in open areas, such as in the field. Automatic with these conditions, minimal melodic percussion instrument certainly faster exposed to dust. The condition that makes the instrument becomes vulnerable to damage.In this article will discuss how to care for melodic percussion instruments in order to extend the life of the instrument. Melodic instrument care here will be divided into two (2) types, namely melodic instrument care and maintenance for wood materials melodic instrument for metal material.

 (Baca artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia)

how to maintenance your melodic instrument

Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

how to play timpani drums instrument easily

Friends, following my article on how to play timpani drums instrument easily. That is what this is? Well remember with my previous articles that discuss playing timpani? This article sequel. If in my previous article written about the two requirements that must be mastered to be able to play timpani, the master instrument rhythmic and melodic instrument to master, then in this article is the third requirement. What is that? Is to have a good hearing

Have a good hearing ability is arguably have ears? It is clear. But that needs to be emphasized here is the ability of the ear in a tone tuning accuracy. Tympanic membrane is an instrument with which to set the tone. The timpani tone is lower tones (bass), so we need a good tuning capabilities (read: hear) to be able to play the right note.
Especially for extended timpani, then high-low tone is set with the pedal. Set foot pedal, then the ear function here is to ensure the right tone to be played (read: hit).

How to train the ability to hear? That's EASY.
  1. Listen to the sounds around you (if trouble concentrating, can be done with your eyes closed. So just focus on ear / hearing).
  2. Focus on one type of sound. For the beginning, please focus on the tone of voice that has a variation of more than two. For example the sound of birds chirping, cats meowing, people yelling, etc.
  3. Repeat by your mouth the sound you hear, right along with the frequency of the tone you hear and including the short length of the sound you hear each note.
  4. If you already started proficient, Imitate the sound of rhythmic as well, such as motor vehicle horns (ranging from motorcycles, cars, and large vehicles), voice dial tone bowl played by artisan meatballs, and more.
The above exercise is useful to train solfage which must be related to the accuracy of tone is heard, as well as the pattern / patterns that are played (length of the short tone).

Well, of course, now you know how to play timpani drums instrument easily

how to play timpani drums instrument

Still review of how to play timpani drums instrument in this article. Was also the connection of 2 previous article How to play the timpani and how to play a musical instrument timpani. If in the previous article explained why must master the rhythmic instrument, then here will explain why to be a timpani player must master the melodic instrument.

Friends, Instrument timpani is a unique instrument. Why, indeed resemble instrument Instrument Timpani drums in general because it has a membrane. But the difference with the other instruments, timpani has a tone that should be tailored to the needs of bass in a music performance. If the bass drum serves as a confirmation, then the timpani more serves as a confirmation to produce a magnificent atmosphere. Well ... that's the tone that contribute to build the splendor of a show.

How come master melodic instrument? The point is to learn the tone of the piano or keyboard. Or if Friends are lovers marching band, it is highly advisable to learn to play the keyboard percussion instrument or commonly called a pit.

There are many ways to learn pit or pit percussion instrument, hopefully the following video can help

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Now .... more smoothly all of you mastered the melodic instruments, the easier how to play timpani drums instrument

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

how to play a musical instrument timpani

Still further post yesterday, this article will discuss how to play a musical instrument timpani. Tympanic or often referred to as a kettle drum, because of its shape like a kettle and there are so-called membrane drums.
Mastering the rhythmic instrument is one of the three (3) things that must be mastered by the author. Logically, how could a music player does not understand the rhythmic pattern. If you do not understand the rhythmic pattern, then he will not understand tempo, constantly how the players can understand the short length of the tone to be played?
Pretty simple is not it?
What do I like? It's easy ... listen pattern played by drum set while listening to the song. Any song (of course there drum set sound ...). Can also listen to the sound of drum pattern (in the Java language: Kendang) if you are listening to gamelan. Or any rhythmic tool, which becomes the main criterion in a performance.

Then, Imitate rhythmic pattern that has been heard before by playing hands. Allowed in the thigh, may be on the table, may use bare hands (like martial wrote ...) should use the stick, may use pencils, pens, etc. that can be played ritmisnya.

Way over to the really beginner.

If already can play percussion, yes it is much easier should ... increase the capability to be able to play share a kind of rhythmic instrument. For example, conga, djembe, drums, bongo, etc.
Well ... hopefully the beginning of this article (which is only based on experience), can no longer make you confused as to how to play a musical instrument tympanic

easy way to play 4 mallets

Many people think that playing four mallets hard, but if you know how, it would feel easy way to play 4 mallets.
Easy way to play 4 mallets, easily play 4 mallets is because more range of tones that will be played. In addition look more cool when you play 4 mallets, actually a lot of easiness that is produced when playing 4 mallets.

The example in the following video, with 4 mallets, it can experiment with chords. With 4 mallets, then we can play 4 tones simultaneously. As with the second playing mallet, then only 2 tones can be played simultaneously. Here's an example:
Enjoy easy way to play 4 mallets

easy timpani playing techniques

In the percussion world, the main marching band / drum corps, a player may timpani is a dream but in fact only a handful of players who know how to play timpani well with easy timpani playing techniques.

The author deliberately discussed briefly in this article is based on personal experience, you know, not mean to patronize. How to play the timpani not necessarily be done by every percussionist as the main constraints faced is definitely ketidaktersedianya the instrument because it is expensive. 1 timpani kettle drum least expensive around 35 million, to the smallest. Now the greater the diameter the more expensive the donks ... especially if using 5 kettle drums (preferably just bought a house, he..he..he ..)
Leave aside just deh about the high price of timpani ... If that name is becoming a professional player, coupled with prayer correctly, Insha Allah has facilitated timpani plus free too ... Amen ..... :)

How to play the timpani in my opinion there are only three (3) basic things that must be controlled:
  1. Mastering the rhythmic instrument
  2. Mastering melodic instrument
  3. Have a good hearing ability
Well .... how is that? later will be discussed again in the next article which is still dealing with easy timpani playing techniques

Indonesian marimba mallets

Players Pit Instrument shall know mallet. This time our article discusses Indonesian marimba mallet. Why? At least this could be an alternative to having mallet at an affordable price but not quality cheap.

Some time ago was uploaded on Youtube, a video showing and let out a comparison between the 3 types of sound production mallet. Mallet used is artificial mallet local producers of Yogyakarta, MADAYO. Played by one of the coaches Pit Instrument of Central Java, using a mallet MADAYO 3 types, namely soft, medium and hard.

Here's the video
In the above video very, very obvious differences in the character of the three mallet used and certainly suitable for the purposes Marching Band playing in Outdoor.

So ... in the price of imports affected mallet go up and down the dollar which ga frivolous, but the practice should continue, local mallet be an alternative.


So .... do not hesitate to use a Indonesian marimba mallet

how to play music percussion instruments

How to play music percussion instruments ? Learn to play percussion instruments is easy and everyone can. Basically everyone can hit. So first and foremost capital dalah learning to play percussion instruments, was safe.
Percussion instrument is an instrument played by striking. Whether it pitched (melodic) and rhythmic. As a percussionist, is proper and ought to be able to master percussion instruments.

For beginners, how to learn percussion instruments?

  1. Provide free time or take time every day to be able to learn to play percussion instruments. Percussion instrument consists of two kinds, percussive melodic and rhythmic percussion. Determine the type of which you will learn today.
  2. Gripping is essential in learning to play percussion instruments, although there is a percussion instrument that is played without using a stick or mallet. Perform engineering holds the stick / mallet correctly. Do it all the time to familiarize yourself how to hold the stick / mallet correctly.
  3. Train your punch with a regular and constant basis. Record your workout results for the evaluation.
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Congratulations to practice as a beginner, survivors learn how to play music percussion instruments

pit instrument marching percussion contest

Plays a percussion instrument is exciting for me. Here is a video pit instrument marching percussion contest played by Pit contest Instrument Marching Band March Surakarta during 2014 BMBC Parking Lot Complex Gymnasium UPI - Bandung.
Incidentally Music Arranger well as Music Directornya is the author himself, he..he..he

This video lasts less than a minute, because it is only recorded when playing the majority of the "opener"
(Baca artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia)

enjoy the pit percussion instrument marching contest

how to get in the mood to write song

Friends who work as a songwriter, music arranger, lyricists, may have experienced moments where the idea really stuck, as if no mood at all to work, but the client has ga patient. Well, maybe some of the following tips can help how to get in the mood to write the song. How come? Here are the tips

Always intend to work wholeheartedly. Begin to pray that God ease all our affairs. Without Him, our work is not nothing. If you are Muslim, you start every intention of reading basmalah "Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim". Insha Allah it is enough.

Listen to the songs you do not like. Neither the genre, lyrics, song structure, substantially more "worst"is better to build up the mood. If you DO NOT LIKE Dangdut, listen dangdut. If you do not like Kangen Band, listen Kangen Band songs, if you do not like Slipknot, listen songs them.If you hate Campursari, turn the song Campursari either by Pak Manthous or anyone. Wake up your mood of the songs you do not like. Not only heard, but focus on one instrument, Allah willing, there are parts that would later become the inspiration pattern in the song writing. In the book "SHOW YOUR WORKS" Austin Kleon, written that the frontman of Radiohead, Thom Yorke, each felt writing the song too ordinary, took an instrument that is not her master and write a song with that tool.

Prepare a "motivator" near Anda.Taruh in place that you easily view / glance. For example, photos of parents who taped a picture Kaaba, miniature car of your dream, Photo bride (especially for those of you who still flunky), Money wad, or whatever it is that motivates you to write a song.

Turn off your phone. When working, the most severe disorders is your phone. It could be more serious when you find any idea, fitting want to write eh .... your phone rang .... after being appointed and chat then closed, fitting want to further work on the song ... uh ... the idea already floated.

Provide a special time to work writing songs. This is important. Because the deadline for downloading ourselves, also to learn discipline, as well as for your phone silent.

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That's how to get in the mood to write song

musicpreneurship is business for music

Musicpreneurship is business for music. It is the way to get money, because everybody love music. If music=money, so, we can get much money from music lovers.

Discussing the easiest business is selling products and we get the results of the sale. If we collect $ 10,000.00 from the sale of one product, then to get $ 1 million, we need to sell 100 products. The time factor. If associated with music, the following points will be business opportunities in the field of music.Selling music books could be the opportunity that is most easily done. But need capital to be able to get quality books.Write a song to be sung band or singer. As long as we have a link to penetrate the world of management artistry, God willing, the music business opportunity is still open and is always open to songwriting.Being a music performance consultant is one profession that can bring a lot of money. By working hours not so long ago, observing the concept of the show, and then provide input, is the work of the consultant. The requirement, must have a competent and keen ability to problems.Management of the music could also be an option for a profession that is OK to bring in money. As a profession carried out by the present author.
 musicpreneurship is business for music